Shamanic Journeying tutorials


A shamanic journey is one of the most powerful ways to access healing as well as communicate with the spirit world. We get out of our heads, so to speak, and receive spiritual wisdom and healing that is beyond the capability of our current state of consciousness.

Traditionally, we listen to a monotonous sound (like a drum beat) that helps us to shift into an altered state of consciousness. This takes us into a dreamlike state (with a bit of imagination which is the doorway to the spirit world) where we learn to become the observer to the dream, a conscious dreamer. We do not fall asleep, we watch and we listen with every fibre of our being. The less we get “involved” in the journey the better. Imagine if every time we didn’t understand what was happening in our night time dreams we questioned it … we would probably wake up every 20 minutes!  When we “return” from the journey we make our notes, including any homework that has been given to us.

These tutorials are a mixture of theory and practical, with the first lesson being the longest (2 hours). The other two lessons are 1 hour each. I play the shamanic drum to assist your journeying. There are theory handouts at the end of each lesson.

The outline of the different lessons are below. You can purchase lesson 1 only or you may wish to purchase lesson 2 and 3. The entire course is 4 hours. If you purchase more than lesson 1, there are various discounts which are outlined at the bottom of the page.

You can do them via the online platform Zoom or at my studio in Capri, near Fish Hoek in Cape Town.

* Lesson 1


Explanation of a shamanic journey

Introduction to the different dimensions we can traverse through shamanic journeying (upper, middle and lower worlds)

Instruction on how to go on a shamanic journey and how to meet your power animal


A shamanic journey to meet with your power animal

* Lesson 2


How to build the relationship with your power animal

Different ways to communicate with your power animal

The importance of ritual and ceremony for communication, and connection, with spiritual allies


A shamanic journey to learn how to communicate with your power animal, and to ask them between 1-3 questions

* Lesson 3


What is power loss and where and why do we lose it

What is personal power and how can you maintain it


A shamanic journey to meet with your power animal and learn about your personal power loss, causes, symptoms and how to get it back

* Lesson 4


A shamanic journey to see your possible future with your personal power manifesting in the world, and to receive communication about how to stay on your path of power. In this journey you will merge with your power animal.


Any questions or further information needed.


Payment information:

For $ dollar payments, please see the pricing structure below, select the relevant number of lessons and click the “buy now” button. For ZAR Rands payments, please see the pricing structure below and when making your booking we will send you the payment info.

Please click here to make your booking.

Number of Lessons

ZAR Rands payments:  Lesson 1 = R1,760;   Lesson 1 and 2 = R2,590;   Lesson 1, 2 and 3 = R3,420.00;   Lesson 1, 2, 3 and 4 = R4,250